Speakers at the physical activity facilities forum 2024
What is the future of physical activity?

Kelly Gordon
Executive Lead for NETBALLHer | England Netball
'Design and Delivery Through the Female Lens'
In this session, Kelly will showcase the importance of understanding female health and prioritising female spaces within facilities, from design through to delivery.

Mark Hewlett
Founder & CEO | Soul Padel
'Padel - why is it the world’s fastest growing sport?'
Reflection and learnings from a 3 month partnership with Decathlon in the heart of the Stockport community.

Dr. Gillian Sweeney
Research Occupational Therapist | University of Strathclyde & NHS Lanarkshire
'Technology Enriched Stroke Rehabilitation'
Rehabilitation activities are crucial to maximise recovery after stroke, however the NHS is unable to meet the levels recommended in national guidelines with traditional 1:1 therapy. Through a collaboration between the University of Strathclyde, NHS Lanarkshire and Innerva, a rehabilitation hub has been created in a hospital stroke unit. The hub houses powered gym equipment, a treadmill with harness, virtual reality, devices for arm and hand rehabilitation and interactive screens, to allow for group based sessions. Activities are prescribed by therapists and group sessions delivered by trained support staff.
Findings of this study will be presented and implications for the future considered.

Will Gardner
Business Development Manager | Alliance Leisure
'Developing Health Hubs, not Leisure Centres'
Over the last 25 years Alliance Leisure has delivered over 250 leisure projects but CEO Sarah Watts pledged this year to never build another ‘leisure centre’ again! Will Gardner, Business Development Manager at Alliance, explains this stance and how developing ‘health hubs’, ‘wellness centres’ and ‘wellbeing venues’ should be the aspiration for our sector. A case in point is the new £9m Warsop Health Hub, the first facility based on Sport England’s Leisure Local model, which offers traditional swimming and fitness provision, alongside community facilities and an IT suite.

Clemency Lion
Director of Research, Policy and Communications | ukactive
'Government Priorities: Delivering on a shared ambition'
A look at the aims and priorities of the new Government, our sector’s contribution to support the delivery of these aims and the opportunities for collaboration.

Dr Denise Ludlam
Environmental Sustainability Strategic Lead | Sport England
'Every Move: Sport England’s approach to sustainability'
Sport England published its insight-led sustainability strategy, Every Move, in May 2024. This presentation will examine the collaborative approach being taken to support and lead the sector to become sustainable and how this work is necessary to ensure the all people can participate in sport and physical activity now and in the future.

Steve May
Operations Director | Mytime Active
'Musculoskeletal Hubs, preventative and rehabilitative health initiatives'